End User Account Information This information must match what is on file with the existing carrier.
End User Name or Business Name*
Authorized Person's Name (Billing Contact)*
Billing Telephone Number (BTN)*
The BTN must be correct since it is used to request a customer service record (CSR) from the carrier.
Account Number
Telephone Number(s) to Ported to the New Carrier*
Full or Partial Port* Full PortPartial Port
A Full port means that all numbers on the account are being ported to Tek4You. A Partial port means that not all numbers on the account will be ported to Tek4You. Some will remain with the existing carrier.
What Should the Existing Carrier do With the Remaining Number(s)* Disconnect remaining number(s)Keep remaining number(s) active
List of Remaining Telephone Number(s)* For the remaining numbers. This cannot be a number(s) that is porting.
Service Address The physical location of the phone number on record with the current carrier. In most cases it is not the same as the billing address.
Address* City* Postal Code* Province* Country*
Required Documents
Reseller Listed on Invoice
Most Recent Bill Copy/Invoice from Current Carrier*
Letter of Agency (LOA)* (Download Letter of Agency) fill it out and attach it.